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Kaida machine manufactory really has a long history, almost half century. It locates in jiangyin city , which is an economically prosperous port and the transaction is very convenient. Our products mainly produce construction material products. And we are expert in producing the aluminum-plastic composite panels -- Alubang Brand.
Competitively speaking, our products are not only excellent in quality but also in price, because we have some advantages in the field. Firstly, we’re supported by the government, and we are the co., making profits for the disable .so we enjoy the discount of tax and it’ll reduce our cost in production greatly. That’s why our price is more competitive. Furthermore, our machine is imported from Taiwan, and all the high quality ACP in the world is introducing the Taiwan advance technology. As to the quality of the products, it’s absolutely reliable .because we have the authoritative certificates, we have passed through ISO9000 quality system, SGS testing (which is a quality check system in Swiss don and accepted universally).
手机版网址:http://m.vooec.com/c_jinronghu000.html 主营业务:铝塑板,拉丝板,大理石板,防火板 经营模式:
生产型 成立年份:1956年 |
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